16 Manufacturer Producer of the physical RAM memory. For example, in a 2:1 interleave, a value of "1" indicates that the memory is in the "even" position. 15 InterleavePosition Position of the physical memory in an interleave. 14 InterleaveDataDepth Unsigned 16-bit integer maximum number of consecutive rows of data that are accessed in a single interleaved transfer from the memory device. 13 InstallDate Date and time the object is installed. 12 HotSwappable If, True, can replace with another similar unit while has the power applied. 11 FormFactor Implementation form factor for the chip. 10 DeviceLocator Socket label that holds the RAM memory. 8 DataWidth Data width of the physical RAM memory, in bits. 7 CreationClassName WMI or CIM class used in creation of an instance. 6 ConfiguredVoltage Memory device configured voltage, in millivolts, or 0, if the voltage is unknown. 5 ConfiguredClockSpeed Memory device configured clock speed, in, or 0, is speed is unknown.

4 Caption Short description of the object. 3 Capacity Total capacity of the physical RAM memory, in.

2 BankLabel Label bank in which the memory is located.